
VXDIAG BMW ISTA-D Only Enlish? How to add other Languages

VXDIAG BMW ISTA-D Only Enlish? How to add other Languages

The default language of VXDIAG BMW ISTA-D is English. If you need to switch to other languages, please follow the methods below.

Step 1: Download the ISTA-D multi-language pack and unzip it to the C:\EC-APPS\ISTA-D\SQLiteDBS folder.
Open the “Language install” file, open “delete all language pack. cmd”, then select the language we want to install. Here we take “French” as an example.
Click “install French.rar” >> “Extract files…”, and select C:\EC-APPS\ISTA-D\SQLiteDBS in turn.

Step 2: After completing the compression, exit the file and merge “BMW language repair.reg“.


Step 3: Open “BMWGroup ISTA”, and select settings, now we can see that the “French” column has become an option. After completing the selection, exit.


Step 4: Open “BMWGroup ISTA” again, we can see that the interface language has successfully displayed French, and the language has been changed successfully.