• Press VXDiagShop logo & go back to our home page.
• Press "My Account-My Orders-Registering is easy and free " to be our member.
• Press "help" to obtain our details, such as VIP discount card, coupon code, return policy and shipment.
• Input the quantities you want to order, the sub total will automatically calculate for you, and now please click "Add to Cart" to check out .
• Press "news and notice" to know more about our latest information, such as our promotion, updated information.
• After Complete browsing a product page, press "Goto Top", and decide whether to purchase or not.
• VIP Discount Card: you are unwilling to spend full price, but want to save money, press "news and notice" to know more how to apply for VIP discount card, or when you check out, under " shopping cart" there is a link for you to find it out.
• Coupon code: Press "help" to get the details or contact our online service or send emals.
Register in our website VXDiagShop, after our verification, you can view more VIP products, only for those who are our members. If you still can not see the VIP products after registration, please contact our online service.